PGCTE (Post Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English) EFLU (English and Foreign Languages University) Hyderabad – Handbook



IMPORTANT : Please go through this handbook as soon as you receive it, and before starting to study the materials. Refer to it each time you send in assignments.




The School reserves the right to change the rules detailed in this booklet.  However, you will be informed about those changes through supplementary circulars in good time.


A. ABOUT THE PGCTE                                                                        

B. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROGRAMME:                                

(i) Duration                                                                                  

(ii) Seven courses of study                                                           

(iii) Studying at a distance                                                             

(iv) How to study the blocks                                                                             

(v) The role of assignments                                                                 

C. STUDY SCHEDULE AND DEADLINES                                     

(i) Study schedule                                                                       

(ii) Deadlines                                                                                

(iii) Re-registration                                                                       

D. ASSIGNMENTS                                                                             

(i) How to write answers to an assignment                        

(ii) How to send in a completed assignment                         

(iii) Some Do’s and Don’ts about sending assignments        

(iv) Grading of assignments                                                       

(v) Using external help/ support: consequences                 

(vi) Facilities for reappearing for the final examination      

E. POINTS FOR CLARIFICATION                                                 

F. ADDITIONAL FACILITIES AVAILABLE                                 



I. CHARTING YOUR PROGRESS                                                 


Welcome to this programme leading to the Post-graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English (PGCTE).  If, as a teacher, you felt that you would like to keep abreast of current developments in your field, but commitments at work and at home have kept you from attending any specialized residential course, we hope that the PGCTE programme through the distance mode will help you update your knowledge and enable you to become a better and more effective teacher.  Even if you have no teaching experience, we hope you will find the programme useful, as it aims to give you the what, how and why of language teaching.

After completing this programme successfully you can join the PGDTE Programme (through the distance mode).

You can read more details about the course in the Programme Project Report, available here:

Our emails for contact

Always mention your Roll number when you write to us.

  • School of Distance Education Office:
  • Programme Coordinators-PGCTE:
  • Dean, School of Distance Education:

For any queries:

First, write to the School of Distance Education Office. They have all your records (address, assignment details, etc.).

Second, if your query remains unanswered for a week, then escalate the matter to the Programme Coordinators.

Third, if your query remains unresolved for a week, even after writing to the Programme Coordinators, escalate the matter to the Dean, School of Distance Education.


(i) Duration

The duration of the programme is one year.  The programme consists of two parts:

  1. 8 months of effective study through correspondence (i.e. from July to February)
  2. a contact-cum-examination programme in June-July 

(ii) Seven Courses of Study

For this programme you will be required to study seven courses each consisting of five blocks (except Practice Teaching, which consists of three blocks).

The seven courses are:

  1. Phonetics and Spoken English (five blocks)
  2. Introduction to Linguistics (five blocks)
  3. Modern English Grammar and Usage (five blocks)
  4. Interpretation of Literature (five blocks)
  5. Methods of Teaching English (five blocks)
  6. Materials for the Teaching of English (five blocks)
  7. Practice Teaching (three blocks)

(iii)Studying at a distance

We understand that it might be a long time since you studied for any regular course, and if you are a teacher, it may be even more difficult to go back to being a student again. Furthermore, you might never have done any course through the distance mode and it will perhaps take you some time to adjust yourself to studying through the distance mode.  People often feel that learning through the distance mode has certain inherent handicaps – you will perhaps miss the face-to-face contact with a teacher and with fellow participants.  However, you need not feel isolated or lonely because you are studying on your own.  Studying through the distance mode has its own advantages: you can study at home, in comfortable familiar surroundings and at your own pace.  If you don’t understand a certain section, you can take your time to go through it again without feeling embarrassed at holding others up, as you would in a classroom; if you find some sections easy, you can go through them faster than a teacher would in the class.  Sometimes, when going through the blocks, you might be tired, confused or just not in the mood.  You then have the option to take a break, have a snack and try again, or to just call it a day, which a teacher wouldn’t allow.

Perhaps the greatest advantage that you will have is the benefit of two teachers: one is the expert who writes your blocks, the other is the tutor who corrects your assignments and offers suggestions and comments to help you through the programme.  Even though you can’t see or hear your teachers, your contact with them can and does become more personal as the programme progresses.  As you work through the blocks you will perhaps find that you have received more attention and guidance from your distance mode teacher than you would have in a class of 60-80 students.

To ensure that you derive the maximum benefit from this programme, we would like to give you a few important details.

(iv) How to study the blocks

Each course, except Practice Teaching, as we have already said, has 5 blocks.  Every block deals with one particular theme or area.  Thus the five blocks of a course deal with five different themes/areas of the course.  Each block, again, consists of a few units.  And each unit deals with one topic related to the theme/area of the block it belongs to. The blocks in each course are largely self-contained, i.e., it is not necessary for you to do any extra reading before you attempt the assignments.  However, in the units of each block we have given lists of books as recommended reading: these will give you valuable information and insights into the topics covered, and we hope you will be able to read at least some of them during the programme.  However, do not worry if you do not have access to any of the books listed.

One point we would like you to remember is that you cannot read the blocks as you would read a book, concentrating on the sections that interest you, and skipping other sections.  It is very important that you go through all the blocks, and all the units of each block in the order in which the teacher has organized them.  Also, read the related units when you see a crossreference.  

  1. Activities and review questions

All units have been divided into sections, with activities and/ or review questions at the end of most of the sections.  Please make sure that you work through them before you proceed to the next part of the unit.  These exercises are designed to help you assess your progress in, and grasp of, the subject, and to summarize the content of each section.  Unless you do the activities and try to answer the review questions, you will have difficulties with the sections that follow.  The answers to the review questions are provided at the end of each unit, and working them out will help you to do the assignments better.

Some blocks, in addition to review questions at the end of each section/unit, also have activities preceding or in the middle of a section.  Do not skip these as they are designed to make you engage more actively with the learning material, and they will not only help you to understand the unit better but also to attempt the assignments with greater understanding and confidence.

You must see that you carry out all the instructions in the unit, and that you study the subject matter of each unit thoroughly until you understand it.  Never overlook or pass by a term or a statement you do not fully understand.  Look it up immediately in a dictionary or another unit where it may have been explained.  

  1. Notes and summaries

As you go through the units, keep a notebook for each course where you could make a brief summary of the information you have gathered from each unit.  You need not make long notes – just a few phrases, a chart or diagram would do — but these notes should help you arrive at your individual plan or summary of the facts presented.  This kind of summary will help you revise the units at the end. 

We have also provided space in the blocks in the form of wide margins and space at the end of each unit.  Use this space to make margin notes – this could be important points, or points that need clarification etc.-and summaries of sections or units.  You could also list the new terms and concepts introduced in each unit as well as the concepts you find difficult to understand and would like to seek clarification on.  

(v) The role of assignments

There are two assignments for each course.  In all, there are seven courses, thirty three blocks and fourteen assignments.

The assignments are based entirely on the content of the blocks and so it is important that you read every block carefully.  Before you attempt to answer an assignment, make sure you have read the block the assignment is based on.

Some participants, however, read only those parts of the units which they require to answer the questions in the assignment.  This is not a very good strategy because it leads to a superficial or incomplete understanding of the units, and doesn’t get one good grades either!

The assignments are designed to serve three purposes.  Firstly, attempting them will help you check your understanding of the content of each block.  Secondly, the assignments are used to determine your eligibility to attend the final contact-cum-examination programme.  Lastly, the grades you get on your assignments are used to compute your internal assessment.  To attend the final contact programme you should have submitted all fourteen assignments by the deadlines we have set.



i. Study schedule

As we said earlier, this might be the first time you are studying through the distance mode.  One of the disadvantages of this system is that generally you are not aware of the progress made by fellow-participants and consequently you may slacken your own pace.  To succeed in the distance mode, the key word is regularity.

The system is such that you can work at your own pace and convenience.  Each unit should take you, on an average, 5-10 hours to work through (it could be more or less, depending on you).  When we say work through we mean you should not simply read through the unit but do all the activities and review questions in each unit.

Keeping in mind the rush and slack periods in your job and the time you can give to the lessons on holidays and in your free time, draw up a time-table for yourself.  Adjust your study hours to suit your individual schedule, but once you have made a time-table you must remember to adhere to it.  Set yourself a deadline for finishing each block/assignment.  

We find that participants tend to send in all their assignments just before the deadlines.  While you can and should work at a pace convenient to you, if you put off study for the first few months, you will find yourself rushing through the assignments.  You will not give yourself time to study the units carefully, and most importantly, if you send in assignments towards the end you will not be able to get feedback on how well you have understood the units, which you can get through tutor comments on each assignment.  Also if you do a course planned for 9 months in 5 months, you will find yourself resorting to surface study, without understanding the units.

ii. Deadlines

There are two deadlines for submission of assignments. If you are completing the course in your first year, then,

Deadline 1: By this deadline 06 assignments (BOTH the assignments of the first lot of THREE courses that we are sending you) are to be submitted (i.e.2 assignments x 3 courses = 06 assignments).

Deadline 2: By this deadline the remaining 08 assignments are to be submitted (2 assignments x 4 courses) = 08 assignments).

However, if you miss submitting the assignments in the first year and automatically go into the second year of registration, then the two deadlines for submission of assignments are as follows in your second year:

Deadline 1: By this deadline 07 assignments (the first assignment in each course) are to be submitted (i.e.1 assignment x 7 courses = 07 assignments).

Deadline 2: By this deadline the remaining 07 assignments are to be submitted (1 assignments x 7 courses) = 07 assignments).

The purpose of these deadlines is twofold:

  1. They should help you pace your work so that you do not find yourself falling behind schedule; and
  2. They are also used to decide your eligibility to attend the contact-cum-examination programme.

iii. Re-registration

Re-registration will be available to the following students

  1. those who are unable to (successfully) complete all the required assignments within two years; or
  2. those who have completed the internal assignments but have not taken the final examinations;

subject to the conditions mentioned below:

  1. They will be required to pay 50% of all the fees they paid at the time of admission, except the postage. This applies to foreign nationals also. 
  2. Their re-registration will be valid for one academic year. The total period of registration including re-registration will not exceed three years, under any circumstances. 
  3. No new materials will be sent to them. 

If you wish to re-register for the third year you MUST:

  1. Apply in June of the second year of your enrolment. (i.e. June 2022)
  2. Pay a fee of Rs. 2350/- (Two thousand three hundred and fifty only). You will have to send a DD for Rs.2350/- drawn in favour of The Registrar, The EFL University, Hyderabad 500 007 along with your application for re-registration. If you are from a foreign country, you will have to pay more for re-registration. If you are eligible for a fee concession (SC/ST/PH/VH), please call up our office (040-2768-9597) to find out the exact amount you need to make the DD for.

The total period of registration, including re-registration, will not exceed 03 (three) years, under any circumstances.


(i) How to write answers to an assignment

  1. Each assignment indicates the block/units it is based on.  Read the complete block before attempting to write an answer.  Don’t do selective reading.
  2. Understand the purpose and scope of the question(s) before writing your answer.  
  3. Write answers in your own words.  Don’t lift chunks from the units.
  4. Answer each assignment in each course on a separate sheet: e.g. you cannot do    Assignments I and II for Grammar on the same sheet; or Assignment I for both Linguistics and Grammar on the same sheet.
  5. Do not send an incomplete response sheet.  Make sure you have answered all the questions in an assignment before you send it to us.  Incomplete responses will bring you poor grades.  Tie/pin/tag the pages properly and ensure that no sheet will be torn in transit.
  6. Use only A4 size paper for your responses.  You can take the cover sheet (supplied by us) as a model for the size.  Don’t use very thin paper as this tears easily.
  7. Leave a 1.5″ margin on the left, and 4 lines in between each answer in an assignment.  This will enable your tutor to write comments in the appropriate places.
  8. Write your answers legibly, or type them. Remember someone has to read them. Write them using a PEN and not a PENCIL.
  9. Make sure you answer the questions on the basis of the units/blocks sent to you.
  10. You should not send printed articles taken from websites as your answers to assignments. Your evaluators, on any suspicion, run your answers through antiplagiarism softwares, and if found to have been plagiarized, the assignment is assigned the F grade, even if it was only one answer that was plagiarized.

(ii) How to send in a completed assignment.

  1. Pin each assignment in each course separately.
  2. A sample cover sheet has been supplied to you by us.  Make photocopies of the cover sheet and attach a cover sheet for each assignment i.e., you should attach 14 cover sheets, one for each of the 14 assignments.  

Please note that if each assignment does not have a cover sheet attached, we will not be responsible for the loss of your assignment, or the grade for each assignment not being recorded correctly.

  1. On the cover sheet write your complete roll number, name, full address for correspondence, date, name of the course and the assignment number and the total number of pages the assignment consists of (all in BLOCK LETTERS) in the space provided on the top right hand. Do not write your answer on the cover sheet.   
  2. Send your completed assignments to:

                                    The Dean

                                    School of Distance Education

                                     The English and Foreign Languages University

                                     Near Tarnaka, Hyderabad – 500 007, INDIA

(iii) Some Do’s and Don’ts about sending in assignments

Some Do’s

  1. Check the blocks and assignments, as soon as you receive them.  Ask for missing pages/units/assignments, if any, immediately.  If you wait till you start writing answers to the assignments, you will lose valuable time.
  2. Check that you have written your roll number correctly.  Don’t rely on memory.  A mistake in the roll number may result in your scripts getting lost, or your hard work earning a good grade for someone else!
  3. Follow our instructions carefully.  If you don’t, you may be asked to resubmit the assignments.  Also failure to follow our instructions may prove to be to your disadvantage. 
  4. Indicate on the cover sheet the number of pages each assignment consists of.  This will help us check if any pages are missing or lost.
  5. Every time you send assignments, immediately send us an email in which you should enter your roll number, course, and assignment numbers for which you have sent response sheets.  This will enable us to send you a quick acknowledgement of receipt of the responses as soon as we receive them.

Your entries in the email should look like this:

           Kindly acknowledge receipt of the following assignments from:

            Name              :  Mr. Inoka Achumi

            Roll No.          :  20838


            Course                                                Assignment No(s)

            Phonetics and Spoken English            1,2

            Modern English Grammar and Usage –              Methods of Teaching English             1

            Interpretation of Literature                  —

            Materials for the Teaching of English —              Introduction to Linguistics                 —              Practice Teaching                                —       



  1. Work regularly.  You might think we are emphasizing the point unnecessarily but our experience has shown that participants who submit most of their assignments just before the deadline get poor grades.  You should remember that by working regularly you get a chance to do better in later assignments because you can benefit from your tutors’ comments.
  2. Maintain an account of assignments sent by you and the acknowledgements and the corrected response sheets received by you.  This will help you to maintain your schedule of work and avoid the possibility of sending the same assignment a second time.  Also maintaining a record of the assignments you send each time will help you know where you stand.  You can use the pro forma CHARTING YOUR PROGRESS (given at the end of this booklet) for maintaining the account.
  3. Send assignments by Registered Post/Speed Post, or through a reliable courier, even though it is a little expensive.  This will avoid any chances of assignments getting lost. And to be on the safe side, please keep a copy of all your assignment responses with you. Please retain the receipt from the courier/post office for tracking the assignment. We may not be able to individually acknowledge receipt of assignments in time, depending on the number of assignments turned in.

Some Don’ts

  1. Don’t submit assignments by e-mail. We prefer typed assignments but accept handwritten assignments too. Online/ e-mail submission of assignments is not allowed.  
  2. Don’t write your assignments on undersized/oversized or thin paper. Do not use RED ink while answering. Do not answer the assignments in PENCIL.
  3. Don’t write anything on the top left corner of the cover sheet.  It is for office use.
  4. Don’t write anything in the space left for the Tutor’s comments. 
  5. Avoid over-writing particularly while writing your roll number and the assignment numbers.  Let these be very distinct and clear.
  6. Don’t pin all the assignments together: If you pin all your assignments together, in our records we will enter only the number of the first assignment in that bundle.  The later assignments will still be due from you, according to our records. This will affect you adversely because
  7. your assignments might get lost
  8. you will not be considered eligible to attend the contact programme.
  9. Don’t mix up the assignments when you send them to us.  Each assignment for each course should be tied separately and all the assignments should be arranged in order.
  10. Don’t send incomplete assignments.  Incomplete responses will bring you low grades.
  11. Don’t send in an assignment in two parts.  We cannot take the responsibility of attaching the second part to the first.  The chances are that it will be treated as an incomplete assignment and that you will consequently get a low grade for it.
  12. Don’t enclose points for clarification along with the assignment.  Send them to us only by email. If you wish to post them to us, do so separately and not with the assignments.  
  13. Don’t wait to complete all the assignments in a course before sending them.  Post them as and when you complete them.

(iv) Grading of assignments  

Each of the assignments will be graded and sent back to you.  The purpose of these assignments is to help you ensure that you have really grasped the subject matter of the blocks, and also to guide you.  (Please don’t misplace these corrected assignments but keep them carefully in a folder.  You will be required to bring these assignments with you when you come for the Contact Programme.) 

A student’s performance in each course will be assessed on the basis of (a) assignments during the programme and (b) the examinations at the end of the Contact Programme. The relative weight of (a) and (b) above is 25:75 for all courses.

To pass in a course:

  1. a student should get at least Grade D in the course, and
  2. he/she should not get F grade in the course either in the internal assessment or in the final examination

For evaluating a student’s performance in the programme and also in a given course, the following 8-point grading scale will be used.

O         A+       A         B+       B          C         D         F



Grade Point Equivalent

Grade Point Range

Marks Equivalence

Quality Descriptor



7.65 – 9.00

85 – 100




6.75 – 7.64

75 – 84.9




5.85 – 6.74

65 – 74.9

Very good



4.95 – 5.84

55 – 64.9




4.50 – 4.94

50 – 54.9

Above Average



4.05 – 4.49

45 – 49.9




3.60 – 4.04

40 – 44.9




0.00 – 3.59

00 – 39.9







Final Grade Point (GP) Calculation in Individual Courses

Final Internal Assessment GP x 25          Final Examination GP x 75

—————————————–     +   ——————————————

                        100                                                      100

Calculation of Over-all Grade Point Average (OGPA) and Final Overall Grade

The Final Overall Grade will be calculated on the OGPA earned over all the courses of the programme. The OGPA will be calculated as follows:


                        GPA     =         —————————————————————–

                                                            Total Number of Courses in the Programme


                       GP1 = Course 1 Final Grade Points

                       GP2 = Course 2 Final Grade Points

                       GP3 = Course 3 Final Grade Points

                       GP4 = Course 4 Final Grade Points

A student who gets Grade F in one or more courses will be deemed to have failed.   

If you get a relatively low grade for any assignment, don’t get disheartened: look at the tutor’s comments (which will indicate where you went wrong), and study again the specific unit(s) on which the assignment was based.  Even though assignments are used to compute your final result, their primary purpose is to help you grow as a learner – as a means of building up a system of communication between you and us, and, through it, to promote your growth and development as a learner.

Formula for conversion of OGPA to Percentage:

Formula for conversion to percentage: (OGPA/9) * 100 For example:

            if OGPA is 9, percentage will be (9/9) * 100 = 100%            if OGPA is 3.6, percentage will be (3.6/9) * 100 = 40%           if OGPA is 9, percentage will be (4.95/9) * 100 = 55%

(v) Using external help/ support: consequences

Sometimes, especially when you have not allowed yourself enough time to work through the materials, you might find yourself tempted to simply reproduce the relevant extracts of the units, or to take help from someone you know who is also doing the programme, or someone who knows the subject.  It has also become common among students to use internet sources when writing their answers. Though it is an easy way of getting over the assignment hurdle, you no doubt know that that is a form of plagiarism and the strongest disciplinary action can be taken in such cases. 

It will not help you in the long run to take external support because you will be penalised.  Any answer/ assignment that relies on external help, i.e. if it is

  • lifted from an outside source
  • copied verbatim from the units
  • downloaded from  an internet source
  • copied from another student

will be given an F grade .


(vi) Facilities for reappearing for the final examination

Make-up examinations

  1. Make-up examinations will be conducted for those students who, because of circumstances beyond their control, are unable to take a part or the whole of the final examinations.
  2. Students desirous of taking the make-up examinations should have completed the obligatory residence requirement, i.e., attending the obligatory contact programme. 
  3. Students must apply for permission to take the make-up examinations immediately after completing the contact programme and on or before the day(s) of the regular examinations they are going to be absent from.  Applications should be made to the Dean, School of Distance Education, through the Coordinator(s) of the contact programme at the centre at which the student attends the contact programme. The makeup examinations will be held only at Hyderabad.
  4. Students will be allowed to take the make-up examinations only if they have valid reasons for not taking the regular examinations.  A student’s eligibility for make-up examinations will be decided by the Dean of the School in consultation with the Programme Coordinators.

Supplementary examinations

This facility is available to those students who have obtained an F grade in one or more courses.

Students who are deemed to have failed can reappear for the final examination on payment of the stipulated fees, subject to the following conditions:

  1. (a) Students who fail in the final examination will be permitted to take the supplementary examination once. This supplementary examination will be held along with the final examinations in the following year.

      (b) SC and ST students will be given one more chance to appear for the supplementary examination, i.e., the second supplementary examinations held after the final examinations in which they were deemed to have failed for the first time.

  1. Students who have obtained an F grade in one or more courses are permitted to appear for supplementary examination in all and only in the courses in which they have obtained an F grade. 


Students are eligible to apply for re-evaluation of their answer scripts by paying the stipulated fees. The application for re-evaluation will have to be made within fifteen days of the announcement of results. The answer script under reference will be sent to two examiners, who shall be other than the original examiner.  The average of the grades given by these two examiners shall constitute the final grade irrespective of its being higher or lower than the original grade. A student can apply for re-evaluation of an answer script in any course only once.

There is no re-evaluation for Practice Teaching/ Oral examination(s).

Grade Improvement Examinations

  1. Grade improvement examinations are conducted for the students of the PGCTE programme.  This provision is not available for the Practice Teaching course. 
  2. Students who obtain grade B or below, up to grade D, in a course may take the Grade Improvement examination for that course. 
  3. Students are allowed to take these examinations only once. However, SC/ST students shall be given one extra chance.
  4. Applications for the Grade Improvement examinations will have to be made to the Dean, School of Distance Education, within two months of the declaration of results.
  5. The Grade Improvement examinations will be conducted on the dates announced by the School of Distance Education.
  6. The better of the two grades obtained in the final examination and the Grade Improvement examination will be taken as final.
  7. Students taking supplementary examinations can also apply for grade improvement in courses where they have scored a grade of B, C or D.
  8. Students cannot apply for both re-evaluation and grade improvement in the same course simultaneously. After re-evaluation, if the student retains an F Grade, he/she can take the supplementary examination, but if awarded a grade of D or above in re-evaluation, he/she cannot apply for Grade Improvement.
  9. Grade Improvement examination in a course must be taken in the first Grade

              Improvement examinations held following the declaration of results.                                               


If, on reading a block, you find that there are some parts of it that you don’t quite understand, write to us for clarification of your doubts. Please prefer to do the following only by email.

 When sending in points for clarification:

  1. Write PGCTE POINTS FOR CLARIFICATION in the subject line of the email. 
  2. Send a separate email for each course, and remember to specify on top of the email and in the subject line, the block and the unit in which you have the doubt.  These emails should be sent to the School of Distance Education Office, who will forward them on to the tutors concerned.  Remember each course is handled by a separate tutor so don’t write your problems in all the courses in a single email: use a separate email for each course.
  3. Give your roll number, name, the name of the course, the number of the block and or the assignment etc., when sending in points for clarification. 
  4. Send your points for clarification separately by email.  Do not put them in the same cover as assignment responses even if you happen to send them at the same time.
  5. You      may     email   them    to         the       School             of         Distance          Education             Office at

<>. They will in-turn forward it to the concerned course monitors, who will respond to your query. In case, you do not get any reply, to your email within a week, please escalate the matter, to the Programme coordinators by forwarding your original email to <>. In case, your query remains unanswered for a week even after that, please escalate the matter to the Dean, School of Distance Education with a covering note on your original query and its date by sending an email to <>.


During the period of your enrolment you can visit The EFL University library any time, on production of an Identification Certificate (which you can collect from the School of Distance Education), and on payment of a fee.  However, books will be issued to you only during the contact programme on payment of a library deposit, which is refundable at the end of the contact programme.


There will be a 4-week contact-cum-examination programme in June-July (the exact dates will be notified later).

Attendance at the contact-cum-examination programme is compulsory. You will be eligible to attend the contact-cum-examination programme if you meet both the deadlines for submission of assignments and you do not get an F grade in the internal assessment for any of the courses.

If you are eligible to attend the contact-cum-examination programme, you will be informed by us.

The purpose of this contact programme is primarily to focus on the practical aspects of the programme which cannot be taught effectively through correspondence viz.  Practice Teaching and Phonetics.  You will find that during the contact programme a major part of the time is devoted to these.  For Practice Teaching you will be required to plan lessons and teach them to a group of students at the +2/undergraduate level.  Details regarding Practice Teaching will be sent to you along with the letter informing you about the contact programme.

In Phonetics and Spoken English tutorials you will be given practical training in the recognition and production of speech sounds and intonation patterns.  You will also be made familiar with problems faced by Indian speakers of English.

During the contact programmes we also go through the blocks in all the courses to clear up your points in each unit.  This is done in both lecture and tutorial sessions.  You should have studied all the blocks before you attend the contact programme (i.e., revised/studied these carefully between March and June)

Please bring all your blocks and your folder of corrected assignments with you when you come for the contact programme, in order that the face-to-face interaction may prove more effective and purposeful.  If you have a copy of the Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English, the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, or the Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner’s Dictionary please remember to bring it with you.  You will need these for pronunciation practice and for preparing teaching materials in the Materials examination. There is also an exclusive dictionary dealing with pronunciation that could be of great help to you – the Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (currently in its 18th Edition).

We have tried to give you an overall idea of your programme and we hope you now have some idea of how it is conducted.  We hope that you will keep in touch with us.  We keep a record of your progress, and you will be hearing from us from time to time.  Please file all circulars and letters that we send you and keep this booklet handy.

Please do write to us if you have any difficulties or problems during the programme, or if you have any questions about the information given in this handbook. 

If there is any change of address/ e-mail id/ phone number, please let us know immediately.  We may communicate important information/ instructions by e-mail/ phone. 

Address all your letters to:

                                                The Dean

                                                School of Distance Education

                                                 The English and Foreign Languages University

                                                 Near Tarnaka

                                                Hyderabad – 500 007

Address all your emails to:


Do quote your complete Roll Number in all your correspondence (e.g. 20750 or 20001).

If you happen to be in Hyderabad at any time, do come and see us at the School of Distance Education. Saturdays and Sundays are holidays for us. But during contact programmes we work on Saturdays. 

Good wishes for success in the programme.

H. Checklist for sending in an Assignment

 (Use it every time you send an assignment.)


Before despatching an answer script, check that you have done the following:

1.      attached a cover sheet to each assignment answer.

2.      written your correct and complete roll number, name and address on the cover page for each assignment.

3.      written the name of the course and assignment number on the cover page.

4.      written each assignment for each course on separate sheets, and pinned each assignment separately.

5.      answered all the questions in each assignment.

6.      indicated the number of pages the assignment consists of.

7.      made sure that the assignment is complete in all respects.

8.      kept a copy of your answer script in your folder.




Assignment No.

Sent on

Received on

Grade Awarded







































































































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