Phonetics and Phonology: Definition and Relationship; Speech Mechanism: Air Stream Mechanism and Organs of Speech; Relationship between Letters and Sounds; IPA Symbols.

Speech Sounds: Vowels and Consonants; Phonemic and Allophonic Variations; Consonant Clusters in English; Phonemic Transcription.
The Syllable; Word Stress, Sentence Stress, Weak Forms and Rhythm in Connected Speec

Intonation: Accentual and Attitudinal Functions.


Verbs: Auxiliary and Modal Verbs; Transitive and Intransitive Verbs. Time, Tense and Aspect: Present Past and Future.
a) Basic Sentence Types; Reported Speech.
b) Voice, Determiners, Prepositions and Conjunctions.


Difference between Listening and Hearing; Types of Listening: Casual and Focused Listening; Barriers to Listening; Top Down and Bottom up Approaches to Listening.
Speech Features: Grammar and Pronunciation; Features of Fluent Speech: Use of Juncture Liaison, Assimilation and Elision.
Interaction Management: Openings, Turn-taking and Closings; Transaction and Interaction; Chats and Chunks.


Features of Spoken Language: Speaking Processes and Skills; Fluency and Accuracy in Speaking.
Core Speaking Skills: Pronunciation Skills; Speech Functions; Communication Strategies; Communicative Activities Based on Selected Language Functions and Situations, Word collocation; Formal and Informal Situations:
Starting a Conversation.
Greeting and Talking about Yourself. Making Requests, Expressing Thanks. Giving Directions and Commands.
Asking for Information.
Questioning and Answering Techniques. Getting more Information.
Expressing Likes and Dislikes.
Communication Activities in Different Language Situations: At the Doctor’s.
At the Market.
A Visit to the Library. At the Railway Station. Buying Products.
Hiring a Taxi.
At the Restaurant.
An Invitation to Tea.
At the Bank.
At the Hotel.


Processes in Reading: Lower level Processes- Word recognition, Orthographic, Phonological, Morphological, Semantic and Syntactic Processing: Higher level Processes-Text Model and Situation Model

Reading and Vocabulary: Components of Word Knowledge, Word Learning Strategies: Direct Instruction, Learning from Context

Developing Reading Ability: Strategic reading; Multiple strategy Instruction, Directed Reading and Thinking Activities, Collaborative Strategic Reading, Transactional Strategies Instruction



Nature, Purpose and Types of Reading; Methods of Reading: Phonic Method & Word Method.

Approaches to Reading: Bottom-Up, Top-Down and Interactive; Sub skills of Reading; Reading Strategies

Comprehension Training: Comprehending different kinds of texts: Political, Scientific, Legal, etc.



Essentials of Writing; Graphic Structure; Graphic Conventions (Mechanics & Usage); Effective techniques and process of writing, Difference between speech and writing. Writing in the Early Stages.

Sentence Building Activities. Sentence Linking Activities.

Paragraph Writing: Guided and Free (Communication activities). Developing Skills in Writings:

Writing Notes: Developing content from Notes Revision and Editing.

Summary Writing & Paraphrasing. Letter-Writing: Formal Letters.

Writing Notices & Advertisements.

Writing Short Reports for Journals and Newspapers.



Definition of Grammar; Types of Grammar: Traditional and Modern Grammar; Approaches to the teaching of Grammar: Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar. (Exercises to be practised on the basis of the above approaches)

Spoken Vs Written Grammar: Grammaticality vs. Appropriateness; Use and Usage; Spoken Intelligibility. (Spoken/Written grammar to be practiced)

Introduction to the Discourse Markers: Cohesive Devices: Conjunctions, Referencing, Anaphora, Cataphora; Ellipsis; Substitution; Grammatical& Lexical Cohesion; Punctuations



Nature and Purpose of Writing; Writing as Communication. Approaches to Writing; Stages in Writing.

Modes of Writing: Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Argumentative. Figurative Language and Literary Devices.

Creative Writing; Short Story, Newspaper Article.



Form and Function; Language Functions as enumerated by Firth, Halliday and Jacobson; Communication Activities based on Selected Language Functions and Situations.

Language Functions in Written Communication Skills: Arguing, Description and Narration. Functions and Situations in Oral Communication Skills:

Functions: Greeting and Introducing; Making Requests; Asking for and Giving Permissions; Offering Help; Giving Instructions or Directions.

Situations: At the Doctor’s; At the Market; A Visit to the Library; At the Railway Station; Buying Products; Hiring a Taxi; At the Restaurant; An Invitation to Tea; At the Bank; At the Hotel.

Telephoning Skills: Handling Calls; Leaving a Message; Making Requests; Asking for and Giving Information; Giving Instructions.

Presentation Skills: Debates, Interview and Discussion Skills.


Definition and Scope of English for Academic Purposes/ Study Skills; Characteristics of Academic English; Changing Formal and Academic Language into Informal and Non- Academic Language and vice-versa.

Reading Academic Texts; Surveying a Textbook; Surveying a Chapter; Signposts; Inferencing; Critical Reading; Using Reference Sources.

Academic Writing Skills: Note-Taking and Note-Making; Abstracting and Summarizing; Paraphrasing; Writing Examination Answers; Writing Long Papers and Academic Reports; Preparing a Bibliography.



Business Communication: Language of Business: Tone, Style, Jargon, Clichés, Ambiguity (Use of Extracts), Glossary of Business Terms.

Business Correspondence: Basic Principles, Format and Types; Employment Letters; Placing Orders; Enquiry and Response Letters; Letters of Complaint and Apology; Persuasive Letters; Curriculum Vitae.

Report Writing: Periodic Reports and Market Survey Reports.

External Communication: Press Releases; Notice Inviting Tenders; E-mails.

Oral Communication: Telephonic Conversation; Reception of Visitors; Holding Meetings; Attending Job Interviews; Organizing Business; Conferences; Seminars; Presentation and Workshops.



Sociolinguistics: Language in Relation to Society Language and Culture

Sociology of Language Speech Community Language and Dialect Varieties of Language

Language Contact: Bilingualism and Multilingualism Borrowing: Types of Borrowing

Code Switching and Code-Mixing; Types of Code Switching



Definition of News; Difference Between News and Information; News and Ideas; Types of News; Hard/Soft News. Reporting: Techniques; Chronological Order/Logical Order; Inverted Pyramid; Components of a News Story; Language and Style; Suppliers of News.

Types and Trends in Reporting: Objective Reporting, Interpretative Reporting; Investigative Reporting; Entertainment Reporting; Development Reporting.

Writing News; Writing Interviews; Writing Features (Cartoons, Photo Features, etc.); Writing Headlines; Writing Leads; Writing Editorials. Make-up of the Newspaper: Types and Procedures; Language and Style used in Print Media.



Introduction to Mass Communication and Broadcasting / Telecasting; Difference between Radio and Television as Modes of Mass Communication.

Writing for the Broadcast Media: News Writing and Editing; Radio/TV: News Reading, Announcing.

P.S.A. (Public Services Announcements), Advertisements

Language for Media and Style; Qualities of Good Speech: Stress, Rhythm, Tone and Body La etc.

Careers in Radio / TV, News Reading; Announcing; Interviewing. Contexts; Elements of Redundancy; Barriers to Communication. Documentaries; Features and Interview.

Practical Work: Evaluation of the English Language used in the Indian Broadcast Media Writing / Editing Exercises.

Comparison, Contrast and Critique of Select Broadcast Items,

Scripting/story board for TV and Radio


Interpersonal and affective skills: Types, elements and constituents of communication, interpersonal skills, body language, management of stress and conflict, time management, motivation, negotiation skills, corporate etiquette.

Listening and Speaking: Enhancing listening skills, effective presentation skills, effective group discussion, interview skills.

Effective writing skills: Stages in writing, writing proposals, statement of purpose, writing a resume, job application

Introducing the Use of Multimedia

Multimedia and its categories; Characteristics of Multimedia; Application of Multimedia in Education

Developing Language skills through technology: Radio, Audio -Video, Language Laboratory, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Blogs

Use of Audio-Visual aids in English pronunciation; Activities like story completion, Comprehension exercises.

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